Are We About To See The Drake Side Of The Moon ?

As a rule I avoid astrology articles about modern musicians, it makes me feel like my Dad talking about ” popular beat groups “.

The problem with this is that every so often I miss some gobsmacking and highly entertaining planetary duets.

This is why I have come ( in true Capricorn style ) rather late to the party of a certain Megan Thee Stallion who has been rather going through it of late.

Maybe there’s an unwritten rule that states that Capricorn astrologers can only focus on one person called Megan at any one time, but this one it seems is chiefly famous for singing about her Wet Ass Pussy and for getting shot.

At this stage its unclear how the two things are connected, but when we are talking astrology you can be pretty sure they are.

There are some people that make you ask how on earth did they get to be famous. Or at least you would ask that until you see their chart and then you realise that it was inevitable.

A Moon in Leo in the 5th house is always going to be a diva and it being opposite a 10th house Sun just makes it even stronger.

The involvement of Mars adds a fair chunk of sex and violence, this when projected onto a T square with apex Pluto is an extremely powerful and intense combination.

There is a strong sense of aggression in this person’s life but it’s also unlikely to harm her brand.

Which is pretty much how things worked out when she was shot in July 2020, but in the world of rap music this kind of thing just adds street credibility and her album Good News sold brilliantly as a result.

2021 was a highpoint for Megan as Jupiter went through her T Square.

2022 not so much as it was followed by Saturn.

The guy that shot her had a fixed T square all of his own.

Lanez’s Venus conjunct Megan’s Mars puts them in the ” same car ” together, the opposition to Saturn and square to the apex Pluto shows that the journey would not end well.

Saturn has been playing with Megan’s T square and Uranus forming a Grand Cross with Tory’s while the court case has been happening this year, ending with Lanez’ conviction last month.

Recently one of Tory’s Toronto mates entered the fray to claim ” a stallion lied about getting shots “.

Its often tempting to think why get involved but when you have a Scorpio stellium with Mercury forming an apex with Megan’s T Square, it’s just not possible to keep your opinions to yourself.

And when your Venus forms an apex with your hometown boy’s T Square its clear whose side you’re going to come down on.

However this little skirmish is nothing compared to what is coming for ” October’s Very Own “.

Because with the Sun conjunct Pluto in Scorpio its likely that Drake has got some fairly serious skeletons in his own closet.

With that combo in square to Mars, there could be something violent hidden beneath the surface.

And whenever Pluto features in a natal conjunction like this, the planet’s square aspect by transit is likely to blow it all out of the water.

Because from March this year to November 2025, Drake has transit Pluto square to his Sun.

So what could this mean ?

As Uranus is also opposite his Scorpio Venus there could be some questionable sexual scandals about to be revealed.

There are also conspiracy theories that try to connect Drake with the murder of another rap star.

With the Sun / Uranus and Moon / Pluto conjunctions it was clear XXXT’s life would take a sudden and unexpected departure.

Again, when the Sun is closely involved with one of the slow movers, the time when it makes its first transit to that body will unleash the shock that is indicated in the nativity.

He was murdered in 2018, with transit Uranus square his Sun.

Was Drake involved in this killing ?

No one can say, but there are symbolic reasons why his name has been connected with it.

Drake’s Sun / Pluto is square to XXX Sun / Uranus.

Drake’s Mars is closely conjunct XXX Uranus.

Drake’s Saturn is exactly conjunct XXX Moon / Pluto.

This doesn’t mean he has any connection to the killing but whatever is lurking in Drake’s closet is likely to get an outing soon because there is an eclipse in April exactly opposite his Sun.

Scorpio’s Finest could be about to get a ducking.

Posted on January 3rd 2023