Intergalactic Family Therapy – The Astrology Of Star Wars

Astrological research is an engagement with the infinite.

Every stunning connection that is revealed immediately opens up so many more possibilities, an apparently endless series of rabbit holes to disappear into. 

I’ve probably written a thousand astrology articles in the last decade but there are many more just as extraordinary ones that were begun from the seeds sown by them that never reached the light of day.

It’s just like looking into family astrology patterns, you quickly discover themes that go back generations.

I was discussing this with someone a few years back who produced dates of birth for her own extended family going back a couple of centuries.

I started to look into this and uncovered a strong Pluto theme, the lady herself had a Sun / Pluto conjunction. 

I had to stop because otherwise I’d probably still be looking into it. 

I never do articles about my client’s charts or experiences, in fact my Mars in Pisces means I am extremely understanding and compassionate as a consulting astrologer.

But my Venus in Scorpio allows me to go to my dark side when writing articles about characters who we all know something of and who deserve to be astrologically ridiculed. 

Fortunately I have Venus and Mars in trine aspect so I can integrate this light and dark side comfortably and easily. 

My last article was about Robodebt, a heartless economic policy and the Australian politicians who imposed it and I made the link with the Dark Side.

It gave me the chance to use the chart for Star Wars, and I immediately noticed a whole number of connections that if I followed them all, that piece would never have been published.

Star Wars professes to be all Sun / Jupiter conjunction in Gemini, with Leo Moon and Ascendant, about noble Jedi knights saving the world with their lightsabers.

But as we all know the true themes of a chart will always be revealed in a T square.

And this one with Mercury in Taurus opposite Uranus in Scorpio in the 4th house focused on an apex Saturn rising is all about the dark side of families.

Having managed to avoid all bar the original film I am no expert in it’s family tree but I will try and put it together from the astrology alone.

Obviously Saturn as apex of the T square is going to play a big role in family dynamics.

One theme I learnt very early in astrology is that if the Sun or Moon is in aspect with Saturn there will be something missing in the father or mother principle.

Pretty much every chart I’ve seen since then confirms this.

It can be a straightforward disappearing act like in the case of my own dad, who had the Sun in Sagittarius conjunct Saturn and a father in the air force who was absent a lot during his young life and left the family for good when he was 11 years old.

Or it can be that the parent was around physically but emotionally unavailable to the child.

Either way Saturn aspecting the Sun or Moon deprives the native of the kind of support that most people would take for granted from a parent.

As always Saturn is doing this for a reason of its own making. It is looking to force the person to face up to difficulties in life early on and to find that support in themselves as a result of their own efforts making them less dependent on other people generally.

I have written many articles showing that actors known specifically for playing one film role will contain a description of that character.

Films are a dramatic representation of life and so if the hero has a Sun / Saturn conjunction in his 9th house this theme will take on intergalactic proportions.

A 7 planet stellium in houses 8 and 9 would naturally mean there’s an awful lot of death in a place far, far away.

And a T square apex Uranus in Cancer is going to trigger some interesting family patterns.

Not least the fact that its in the 7th house and Luke seems to spend a fair amount of his time trying to get into his twin sister’s pants.

The fact that she is also a princess is covered by his Libra Sun being opposite a 3rd house Jupiter.

But its obviously his Sun / Saturn that causes most of the trouble.

Like me, Darth Vader is a Sun, Moon, Ascendant Capricorn.

But these dark qualities are considerably enhanced by the Moon’s conjunction with Saturn.

This lot is opposite Jupiter and Pluto in the 7th so there’s going to be some marital issues.

And like his son, this forms a T square with an apex Uranus.

It’s fascinating how tightly this T square interweaves with Luke’s.

Skywalker’s twin clearly has problems of her own.

Like her brother , Leia has a Libra Sun in the 9th house.

A Moon in the 4th house opposite Saturn creating a T square with an apex Pluto would suggest some mommy issues.

Padme Amidala was the wife of Darth Vader when he was called Anikan Skywalker.

Padme had the Sun in Gemini in the 8th house opposite Neptune and focused by T Square onto an apex Moon, so clearly she had to die giving birth to twins.

While this accounts for Vader’s 7th house Jupiter / Pluto, its opposition to a Moon / Saturn conjunction is probably where it all started.

With Moon / Saturn, if in doubt blame the Mom.

Vader / Anikan’s mother Shmi claimed that he had no father at all, she just became pregnant with him, a cute idea that she’d nicked off the 12 year old Virgo Mary to keep her 90 year old lover Joseph out of prison.

With the Sun in Aquarius opposite Pluto focusing onto a T square apex Neptune, totally unbelievable stories are passed off as completely normal.

With the Moon in Sagittarius conjunct Saturn she got kidnapped, tortured and murdered by pirates.

Needless to say once Anakin / Vader found out about this he slaughtered every single one of them, women and children included.

This is when he starts moving to the Dark Side.

He marries Padme and becomes Vader.

Meanwhile Padme dies giving birth to Luke and Leia.

The kids are separated at birth to keep them away from their Dad.

This is why Luke takes a fancy to Leia but she dumps him in favour of Han Solo who has a few Cancerian issues of his own.

A four planet stellium including the Sun and Moon might be enough to explain why he is killed by his own son.

Let’s face it a Scorpio Sun opposite his Moon with a Saturn / Pluto conjunction also in Scorpio in the 8th house is definitely going to flip to the dark side and kill off his Dad.

There’s so much Cancer energy in Star Wars, even Yoda had the Moon there and Obi Wan Kenobi had Mars in the 4th house in the sign, both placements opposing Vader’s Moon and conjunct his Pluto.

Given that the Star wars chart had a T square apex Saturn, it’s only fitting that the biggest baddie of all finishes it.

All the trouble in the Star Wars chart comes from the T Square at 8 – 11 degrees of Fixed signs.

The Emperor Palpatine with Pluto at 8 Leo conjunct the Star Wars apex Saturn ruled the galaxy through fear and tyranny.

His own Saturn at 6 Cancer is square to Luke’s Sun / Saturn and opposite Vader’s Mercury / Moon / Ascendant.

So the final denouement sees Skywalker cut off Vader’s hand but refuse to actually kill him. He gets tortured by Palpatine for this noble gesture.

Watching his own son be tortured, the light side re-awakened in Vader and he turned on Palpatine, using his remaining strength to throw him down into a reactor shaft killing him.

However, Palpatine had used his powers to damage Vader even further. Luke tried to drag his mortally wounded father to safety, but it was too late. He took off Vader’s mask so that he could finally see his father, but without the mask’s breathing aid, Vader died.

Of course no-one expected Star Wars to be such a massive success because they hadn’t seen the Sun / Jupiter conjunction, but George Lucas with a Taurus stellium was never going to miss out on all that dosh so an immensely complicated back story had to be created in order to force everyone to watch all the other films and buy the merchandise.

Lucas couldn’t do some kind of Bobby Ewing thing and bring Vader back for another intergalactic shower. 

But maybe he could have because Patrick Duffy’s Ascendant is conjunct Lucas’ Sun so now I have to do a piece on the astrology of Dallas.


Posted on 15th July 2023