Bode’s Law and the Discovery of Uranus

There was a time when all astronomers were astrologers. The main reason for studying the heavens was to try and understand the meaning of planetary movements for life on Earth. Nowadays astronomers spend much of their time squinting at stars billions of light years away to try and come up with some fantastic theory on what happened three seconds after the Big Bang. Interesting but utterly indulgent, a study purely for its own sake that has little or no relevance to our world. These same astronomers dismiss with contempt the science of astrology and view anyone that gives the study a moment’s consideration as having their cotton wool stuffed heads firmly in the clouds.

This is a development not just restricted to the study of the heavens. There are many areas of life these days where specialising on smaller and smaller issues has become rampant to the point where any kind of connection between parts that should make up a whole is considered largely irrelevant. We have become consumed with the drive to analyse more and more information without stopping to consider the point of it all.

In an astrological chart the accumulation of information is ruled by Mercury, its processing and analysis by its sign Virgo and the 6th house and the communication of its findings through its other sign Gemini and the 3rd house.

Real knowledge and wisdom comes under the rulership of Jupiter, vision and understanding through its sign Sagittarius and the 9th house and the use of such knowledge to lose the sense of the self as a separate entity through its sign Pisces and the 12th house.

The whole point of studying the heavens is to help us come to understand what is required of us and how to live in harmony with the laws of the Universe.This is why astronomy came into being in the first place.

It seems hard to believe but there were astronomers before Brian Cox, possibly the most famous of all of the British ones was Isaac Newton the man who discovered gravity. Newton was intrigued by astrology and famously denounced those who criticised him for it with the words ” Sir, I have studied the subject, you have not “.

By the 18th century astronomy and astrology were definitely going their separate ways but there were still plenty of astronomers who were looking for cosmic mathematical patterns in the skies with some loose connection to a belief that numbers had their own particular resonance and quality and therefore meaning. One interesting example of this was what came to be known as Bode’s Law.

Bode’s Law hypothesised that the bodies in the solar system and possibly others in other systems have orbits that are arranged in distances from the Sun that correspond to a particular equation,
a = 4 + n, where a is the next planet in line and n is a figure that starts at 0, goes on to 3 and then doubles each time. This is a theory that had been raised throughout the 18th century but was given more publicity by Johann Elert Bode in 1772 when he wrote..

” This latter point seems in particular to follow from the astonishing relation which the known six planets observe in their distances from the Sun. Let the distance from the Sun to Saturn be taken as 100, then Mercury is separated by 4 such parts from the Sun. Venus is 4+3=7. The Earth 4+6=10. Mars 4+12=16. Now comes a gap in this so orderly progression. After Mars there follows a space of 4+24=28 parts, in which no planet has yet been seen. Can one believe that the Founder of the universe had left this space empty? Certainly not. From here we come to the distance of Jupiter by 4+48=52 parts, and finally to that of Saturn by 4+96=100 parts ”

This is such a beautiful example of patterning that would of course be dismissed out of hand by modern astronomers as a nonsense. In much the same way that they dismiss as utter coincidence the extraordinarily elegant fact of the Moon’s size to distance from the Earth being exactly the same as the Sun’s. This phenomena is the reason for the eclipse of either Moon or Sun and from an astrological perspective is sacred, something of fundamental importance to life on earth. It is symbolic of the equality of light and dark, masculine and feminine.

Based on this theory Bode suggested that a new planet would be discovered at a certain distance from the Sun. Its quite possible that this law encouraged astronomers of the day to look in a certain place because 9 years later in 1781, Uranus was discovered at exactly the distance that Bode’s Law predicted it to be. At this point everyone started ringing up Johann Bode to ask him where the next one would be ( well they would have if the phone had been invented ).

Bode’s answer was to urge a search for a fifth planet in between Mars and Jupiter to fit with the part of the equation that seemed to have been skipped. Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt, was found at Bode’s predicted position in 1801. Bode’s law was then widely accepted until Neptune was discovered in 1846 and found not to satisfy Bode’s law. At the same time the large number of known asteroids in the belt resulted in Ceres no longer being considered a planet.

From an astrological perspective, if any planet was to defy any attempts to fit it into a pattern it would be Neptune. Neptune is the planet of mystery, it rules all those things that are in themselves intangible. Its whole purpose is to dissolve and breakdown previously existing rules and boundaries. It knows no limit and it does not even have a shape of its own. Its highest aspirations are towards nirvana, a spiritual union with all things based on a letting go of the sense of separate selves. So its not that surprising that it turned up in a place where it shouldn’t have been according to Bode’s Law.

Of course all the astronomers used this as evidence to dismiss the Law as a typical piece of muddle headed thinking that us knowledgable modern types would never fall for. The fact that Pluto was discovered in 1930 in the place where Bode’s Law predicted Neptune would be is not generally mentioned by these clever astronomers.

Patterns exist in nature for a reason. The fact that one discovery falls outside the pattern does not mean that the pattern was necessarily wrong or did not exist. There may be particular reasons for the a tangental movement away from the pattern at that point.

These days astronomers seem to be falling over themselves in their quest to take away Pluto’s planetary status. Do these people not have anything useful to do in their lives ? Capricorn Research would gladly challenge any astronomer to provide their own birth data and will prove to them personally that when Pluto aspected their Sun they would have seriously experienced it, whether they call it a planet or not.

Pluto certainly worked for Johann Elert Bode himself.

Johann Bode

For someone who was best known for his interest in an overall pattern to predict the position of planets it’s most appropriate that Johann Bode had the Sun in the 9th house. The 9th house is precisely where we apply our minds to reflect on the meaning of things, it is the house of higher education in the real sense, of understanding the laws governing the prevailing forces of our Universe.

Another indication of Bode’s level of thinking and comprehension comes from Mercury’s very close conjunction with Jupiter. The planets of the communication of information and wisdom come together. The whole chart suggest a man of considerable intelligence in the real sense of the word.

Its also quite beautiful that Bode’s Sun is conjunct Uranus given his importance to the planet’s discovery but even more so given the impact that it had on him. The importance of the Sun / Uranus conjunction is accentuated by the fact that it is the apex of a T Square based on an opposition between the Moon and a Mars / Saturn conjunction.

Pluto came to conjunct Bode’s Sun in 1777 – 78 as his reformulation of the planetary orbit theory was gaining significant popular support but the real impact came in 1781 with the discovery of Uranus in precisely the place where Johann Bode predicted it would be. In 1781, Pluto was conjunct Johann Bode’s Uranus ! And in another extraordinary symbolic resonance the transiting Uranus was exactly conjunct Bode’s Ascendant.

Of course modern day astronomers would dismiss these remarkable transits as a pure coincidence, but then they would say that everything that happens including the emergence of life itself is merely a coincidence. Well it’s either that or it’s all meant to happen. Read these articles, use a bit of Jupiter along with your Mercury and decide for yourself.


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6 thoughts on “Bode’s Law and the Discovery of Uranus

  1. Hello, check out the reference frame and the problem Brian Cox has with understanding the phases of the moon. Cox criticizing Astrology is one thing of which his opinion has no gravity, but Cox fails to under on how astronomy works. Enjoy! Deck chairs.

  2. Another excellent analysis! We’ll eventually see where this planet lands in the grand scheme of things in spite of the arrogance of the scientific community in general and that narcissistic asshole Mike Brown in particular.

    I have often brought up to anyone who would listen how almost everything we learned in school in the way of science has since been proven wrong. Their arrogance knows no bounds. As an example Mike Brown chooses to refer to himself as the “Pluto Killer” rather than the more scientifically accurate “Pluto Reclassifier”. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised as it has always been the technique of frauds to exercise rebranding to show themselves in a more favorable light. First they rebrand astrology as astronomy, historically lauded scientists like Sir Isaac Newton as Astronomers when in reality he was an astrologer, and now Pluto as a dwarf planet rather than a planet.

    As was said by a famous character back in the 90s, the truth is out there. Astrology came first, Newton was an astrologer, and Pluto doesn’t care what you call it. When Mr. Brown is on his death bed he will realize that Pluto ALWAYS wins.

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