No Sweat ? The Fifty Shades Of Saturn In Pisces

What do Prince Andrew and Christian Grey have in common ? 

I can hazard a guess but I think we might be about to find out. 

Because if there was ever the astrological symbolism for luring some sweet innocent girl into the red room for a spot S and M torture it would be the Sun in Pisces in the 8th house opposite Pluto T square apex Moon in Scorpio in the 4th with a Mars / Venus conjunction in Capricorn.

And of course, Saturn is about to hit.

Many astrologers would say the themes of a sign are at their absolute peak at its beginning. If so Prince Andrew’s Sun at 0.00 Pisces must be saying something.

It’s true that I have covered the Grand Old Duke Of Pork’s astrology from a number of different perspectives. But the sheer richness of astrological symbolism will usually bring deeper reward.

I have always felt that Pisces has a connection with slavery. Perhaps it’s that 12th sign and house connection with confinement in monastic orders and imprisonment. Particularly when Neptune is involved.

The last time Neptune was in Pisces was 1847 – 62. At the time ” the enslaved population in the United States stood at four million. The central issue in politics in the 1850s involved the extension of slavery into the western territories which the Northern states opposed. The Whig party split and collapsed on the slavery issue, to be replaced in the North by the new Republican Party, which was dedicated to stopping the expansion of slavery. In the election of 1860, the Republicans swept Abraham Lincoln into the Presidency. “

The American Civil War broke out in April 1861,

” The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order issued by Lincoln on 1 January 1863. In a single stroke, it changed the legal status, as recognized by the U.S. government, of 3 million enslaved people in designated areas of the Confederacy from “slave” to “free.”

Just as Neptune left Pisces, slavery was over.

This might seem like a strange diversion from the central theme of this article. Until you see what happened as soon as Neptune arrived back in Pisces.

This is the chart for the release of the book – Fifty Shades Of Grey.

As you can see Neptune is back in the first degree of Pisces. And the noon chart for the day places it right on the 7th house cusp, which shows exactly what kind of slavery we are talking about.

And just in case we haven’t got that message, a Pisces Moon in the 7th reinforces it. 

There’s an intriguing heavyweight T Square that falls across the same areas of the chart that Andrew’s does. 

This one involves Saturn, Uranus and an apex Pluto.

The noon chart creates another tighter T square with the Ascendant opposite Neptune focusing onto an apex Gemini Sun.

Venus and Mars are just a degree apart in Taurus. 

I have often found that extremely close conjunctions of these two mean that sex is a very strong theme in the persons chart. 

It’s also not necessarily confined within conventional relationships. 

Prince Andrew himself has them a degree apart in Capricorn.

His mate Jeffrey Epstein has Mars conjunct Venus within one degree in Pisces. 

Ghislaine Maxwell has them 5 degrees apart in late Sagittarius early Capricorn. 

The chart for the film release also has it in Pisces.

As with the book release, the noon chart for the film has a tight T square involving the Ascendant, a planet right on the 7th cusp ( Saturn ) and an apex Neptune.

And a 2nd one involving the same Uranus / Pluto square as the book but this time bringing the Libra Moon into play.

Funny how these themes keep recurring.

The author of Fifty Shades Of Grey like Prince Andrew has the Sun in Pisces opposite Pluto. 

Venus and Mars are again closely connected but this time by opposition.

James also has tight T Square with an apex Neptune. 

As does Christian Grey aka Jamie Dornan.  

This one is based on an opposition between Venus in Pisces and Mars.

Anastasia Steele / Dakota Johnson has an exact Mars / Neptune square

Why do these Neptune and Pisces themes keep coming up ? 

Both planet and sign have a reputation for drifting into arenas that are beyond the usual conventions.

And Neptune plays an enormous role in the charts of sex criminals – 

Maybe the casting couch missed a trick by picking Jamie Dornan for Christian Grey

Dakota Johnson has her Venus at 25.40 Scorpio.

Prince Andrew’s apex Moon is 25.19 Scorpio. 

We know Andy Pandy’s never been the same since losing his Koo. 

Miss Stark had her Moon at 25.38 Scorpio also as part of a T Square in her 4th house. 

For more information on this see Andy Pandy’s Coming To Play – Quick Hide Looby Lou

Maybe with Saturn about to conjunct his 8th house Sun it’s time to cast the Duke in a new film in the series. 

We could call it 50 Shades Porker. 

Posted on February 25th 2023