Charles’ Crown Of Thorns

The coronation of the monarch is by far the single most important event in their whole reign. 

It is the moment when they are anointed by God so that their occupation of the throne has a legitimacy that cannot be questioned by rival claimants. 

In the past that has been a serious issue, so much that most coronations happened fairly soon after the death of the previous ruler, allowing for a respectable period of mourning first. 

The choice of coronation date sets an important symbolic precedent so it’s significance cannot be overlooked.

William the Conqueror picked noon Christmas Day in order to give his occupation of the throne of a foreign country extra divine help.

Monarchs since time immemorial have attached great importance to the timing of this event, invariably employing their court astrologers to divine an auspicious moment.

Although she’d never admit it, it’s likely that the late Queen employed astrological help for hers. She waited over a year for a Sun / Jupiter conjunction as part of a Air Grand Trine including the Moon and Saturn.

As a result Liz broke all records reaching 70 years on the throne. 

Unfortunately this innate wisdom, like many other of her stoical characteristics have not passed down to the next generation.

The main reason for the timing of Charles 111’s coronation is an absurdly passive aggressive play to force his son to not attend owing to the clash with his grandson’s birthday.  

As a consequence, Charles has given up any chance of being properly anointed by the Universe as the chosen one and he will inevitably suffer the consequences.

Because the date he has chosen will be one day after a lunar eclipse.

Since William 1 there have been 40 English monarchs, only one of them, Henry 1V was crowned close to an eclipse, two days before a lunar one in 1399.

As a consequence of such cosmic stupidity, Henry ” spent much of his reign defending himself against plots, rebellions, and assassination attempts. Rebellions continued throughout the first 10 years of Henry’s reign, including the Owain Glyndwr who declared himself Prince Of Wales in 1400, and the rebellions led by Henry Percy.”

Hentry’s own son ” seized much effective power from his father in 1410″.

The only other person put forward for the English throne under an eclipse was Lady Jane Grey, who famously lasted a whole 9 days in the job. For more on Jane and the importance of electing one’s coronation date see How To Be Queen For More Than A Day

The thing is every monarch that ruled did so at the symbolic mercy of their coronation chart and so will Charles.

This chart is not entirely awful. There is a favourable Grand Trine in Water and a T square with an apex Jupiter in the 9th house.

But its also really easy to spot where the troubles are going to come from, that only just eclipsed Scorpio Moon in the 4th house.

So its dark skeletons in the family closet then.

Twas ever thus.

Whether or not a monarch elects their own coronation chart using astrology, its pretty likely that they will get the one they deserve, a chart that picks out and reinforces the themes of their nativity.

That coronation Moon falls within 3 degrees of his own Sun and in the same house.

And the focus in Taurus around the Midheaven is there in both charts.

Like anyone who has oppositions between 10th and 4th house planets, Charles has always had family issues getting in the way of his career ambitions.

For the first 73 years he had to deal with the immovable object that was his mother who ( as regular readers would know ) has her Sun at 0 Taurus exactly sitting on Charles’ Moon.

Not only did she refuse to die, she also wouldn’t let him marry his love interest.

And just when he finally gets rid of her, he goes and chooses a coronation date that ensures he will be plagued by his family forever.

They are all lining up to get him.

Harry has the Moon at 21 Taurus also in the 4th house, William has Venus at 25 Taurus and Andrew’s Moon is at 25 Scorpio.

Charles Sun is at 22 Scorpio and the Coronation Moon at 24 Scorpio.

I’ve no doubt Charles will have a honeymoon. Jupiter will be conjunct the Sun in the coronation chart through until March 2024, but its all downhill after that.

The lunar eclipse chart has the Sun conjunct Uranus, so when that planet reaches 24 Taurus in late May / June 2024, Charles might well be wishing his mother had lived another 20 years.

Posted on December 28th 2022