George Santos – Lying In The USA

I was once chatting to my hairdresser when she stopped to wave at a woman that I knew as she passed on the other side of the street. ” Do you know her ? ” I asked.

” Oh yes ” she said ” fascinating lady. She’s a buyer for a New York fashion house who comes over to Brighton to visit her sister and likes to have her hair done by me. “

” No she isn’t ” I replied. ” She lives round the corner with her wife and two adopted daughters. I’ve known her for years “

The next time I saw my friend I challenged her about her alter hair salon ego. She dismissed it as a bit of fun which provided an entertaining story for the stylist and some harmless diversion for herself.

My friend was a Sun, Moon, Ascendant Gemini with Mercury thrown in for good measure. She could talk for England and it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if she had several different identities that she gave an outing to in different social situations.

After all with this sign it’s the fact of communication that matters, not what you actually say. And she wasn’t seeking to gain some kind of personal advantage from her stories, just to entertain her listeners.

And there is a great deal of difference between a triple Gemini adding to her story and a Moon / Pluto conjunction in Scorpio manipulating the truth for their own ends.

George Santos is a newly installed GOP House Representative from New York.

Santos has been accused of lying about virtually all of his resume. These lies include where he went to both school and college.

He claimed to be a volleyball star and won a league championship at a college that he never attended. This sporting achievement caused him to have two knee replacements apparently.

He claimed to have a husband but records only show him married and divorced to a woman.

He claimed that his mother died in 9 / 11 when it seems she passed on many years later and she was in Brazil on that fateful day.

He says his family is Jewish and his grandmother was in the Holocaust, but in fact all his family are Brazilian Catholics.

He ran a made up animal charity and escaped with the money he raised.

He claimed he was mugged in New York while attempting to pay his rent but there is no record of this.

He falsely claimed he lost four employees in a night club shooting.

What he did do was run a Ponzi scheme that was shut down.

He also stole a chequebook and was charged with fraud in Brazil.

He spent over $ 25,000 of campaign funds in an Italian restaurant owned by the brother of a guy who pleaded guilty to human trafficking.

It also appears that he was once a drag queen in Rio.

What kind of chart might we expect for a character like this ?

We don’t have a birth time for Santos but there are a couple of interesting aspects.

We have an open, extrovert, heart on sleeve trine between the Sun in Leo and Mars in Aries.

But the Sun is in square aspect to a manipulative and secretive Moon / Pluto conjunction in Scorpio.

Santos Mars is also square to the deceptive Neptune.

The Sun / Moon / Pluto thing is interesting.

Pluto does most of its work unseen in the murky depths of the underworld ( particularly with a Scorpio Moon ) but it’s major transits will often bring these hidden things to light in quite a shocking way which can sweep away everything that person previously stood for.

And the transit Pluto is about to oppose George Santos Leo Sun.

Santos secrets and lies are both bizarre and astonishing but there are plenty of precedents.

I first became interested in US politics when studying the subject for A level while the Watergate hearings were going on in 1973.

I had already realised that all politicians embellished the truth for their own ends but it seemed fairly clear that the American ones were in a different league from the rest.

Lying and subterfuge in the USA was an art form. And Neptune and Pluto were usually involved.

The Watergate scandal stemmed from the Nixon administration’s continual attempts to cover up its involvement in the June 17, 1972 break-in at the offices of the Democrat headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Tricky Dicky had the Sun in ” the ends justifying the means ” sign Capricorn opposite the god of deception, Neptune in the 11th house of politics.

He also had Mercury in the same sign in close conjunction with both Mars and Jupiter in the 4th house of break ins, opposing a ruthless Pluto in the 10th house of career.

These themes came together in June 1972 with the transits of Jupiter conjunct and Pluto square that natal Mercury / Mars / Jupiter conjunction.

Transit Uranus was also square Nixon’s Sun at the time and Jupiter was conjunct his Sun in January 1973 when he was sworn in as US President for the 2nd time.

However Saturn’s opposition to that Mercury / Mars / Jupiter in 1974 saw Nixon receive karmic justice for Watergate as he resigned from the office of President just before impeachment proceedings were going to kick him out anyway.

Another President who came close to getting impeached was Bill Clinton

Neptune is the give away here as well, its extremely tight conjunction with Mars, Venus and his Ascendant in Libra shows that his crime was lying about his sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

Bill Clinton actually had Pluto on his side though as impeachment proceedings failed and the charges against him were dropped with the transit Pluto sextile his Mars / Neptune / Ascendant in December 1998.

I originally intended to make this article an exhaustive astrological expose of liars in US politics, but I realised that there were so many of them that I gave up writing this herculean task.

Coming across this unfinished piece again in my drafts folder, I resolved to finish it off and put it out anyway because I believe the astrology of George Santos needs to be in the public domain.

Particularly as Pluto is about to give this inveterate liar a serious haircut.

Posted on February 20th 2023