You’re The Voice, But You Don’t Understand It

They say the road to hell is paved with the best intentions.

But that doesn’t make sense. If one’s intention is genuinely positive and coupled with a clear understanding of the situation, how can that produce hellish results ?

The problem is that very few people operate from such a perspective.

When we do something or want something we are usually functioning from the perspective of one of our planetary placements. It’s probably our Sun or Moon but could also be our Venus or Mars.

What we fail to take into account is that there are nine other planets that make up ourselves and our life themes and some of these will form angles both in our natal charts and our transits, that will challenge and distort what we set out to do.

These aspects can alter things so much that we actually end up heading in the opposite direction to the one we intended.

But we don’t see that because we identify with the personal planet that instigated the whole thing and believe that we have been consistent to its role.

We say that the world out there changed things and messed them up and blame others for the wrong end result.

Without recognising that we were carrying the seeds of our own destruction all along the road.

The world of politics contains many examples. Most leaders enter the arena with good intentions ( at least from their own perspective ).

This can be the desire to make the world a fairer place or to build a wall along your southern border to keep the foreigners out. But usually within 18 months of taking office, most of the manifesto promises are in ruins.

Margaret Thatcher had the Sun in Libra in the 11th house.

When she assumed office in 1979 ( with transit Pluto conjunct her Sun ) after the country was plagued with strikes and winters of discontent, she genuinely believed that like St Francis of Assisi – ‘Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope’.

Her Sun, however was conjunct Mars at the apex of a T square including Pluto in Cancer and Jupiter in Capricorn.

So what she actually did bring was war ( Mars ), the destruction of communities ( Pluto in Cancer ) and massive bonuses for bankers ( Jupiter in Capricorn ).

But in all this, people close to her insisted she was sticking to her Libran, 11th house ideals and any problems were either just teething ones or other people’s fault.

It beggars belief when you consider the determination, calculation and sheer wilfulness required to climb the greasy pole in the first place but it never ceases to amaze me how uncommonly stupid and naive most political leaders are.

In most countries the governing party gets to set the date for the next election. With this incredible astrological advantage, they should really never get voted out. 

Both Elizabeth 1 and 11 understood this. Granted they never had to face reelection but you can be sure if they ever had to they’d have employed the same astrologers that picked their coronation dates. For more on this see How To Be Queen For More Than a Day

Another Libran Tory leader who also presumably wanted a peaceful life was David Cameron.

He became PM in 2010 in a coalition government that included Nick Clegg’s Liberal Democrats.

Cameron was reelected in 2015 ( like Thatcher in 1979, he had a Pluto / Sun transit ) with an overall majority and was able to dispense with Clegg. This exact scenario was predicted by me when most of the pundits believed in either a continued coalition or a Labour victory.

Cameron was pro the EU and determined to use his position of strength to rid himself of the growing anti Europe faction in his party.

So he tabled a referendum on leaving expecting his own Remain convictions to be naturally supported by the public and leave the snipers in his own ranks with no power.

David Cameron was the last ( and quite possibly the only ) Tory leader to be less ignorant and intolerant of foreigners than the British public.

If you want to encourage the population to vote for continued links with their neighbours and have to hold the referendum in June, that’s not a problem, the Sun and Ascendant being in Gemini would already be indicating a friendly, cooperative atmosphere.

In Cancer, with the Sun in the 12th house, you are basically signalling to the worst aspects of little Englander isolationism.

There are some simple golden rules when it comes to astrological elections.

Don’t call them when there’s a Grand Cross ( Mercury / Jupiter / Saturn / Neptune ) – thats just dumb.

In broad terms the Sun / Moon angular relationship will describe the reaction of other people to what you want.

So it’s hardly rocket science to arrange a referendum when the lights are in trine aspect so that they support each other.

David Cameron chose a difficult quincunx between the Sun and Moon. Not only that but the Moon was ruler of the chart, meaning that the will of the people hold sway.

It is placed in the ideological sign of Aquarius in the house of your opponents ( 7th ), so a year after regaining power, Cameron chose a date which gave it all away.

His main crime was being guilty of seriously overestimating the intelligence and sensitivity of the electorate and choosing to exploit them for his own political ends.

He wasn’t the only one.

Boris Johnson, as befitting someone with a Gemini stellium and the Moon in Scorpio, was always able to adjust his political stance to fit in with his own best interest.

Previously Blowjob had been a staunch European, but seeing a route to becoming Prime Minister himself, he instantly jettisoned these views and went full Churchill, despite the fact that his hero was actually pro Europe recognising that it was the best way to prevent another war.

All we can say about these two arseholes is that Johnson is obviously more in tune with the view of the people than Cameron.

Maybe great swathes of the British public dream of spending their spare time burning £50 notes in front of homeless people and sticking their dicks into dead pigs mouths.

Perhaps this kind of thing is represented by the 12th house Pisces Moon in the 1066 chart for England. It would certainly cover the isolationist preference and general distrust of foreigners.

What is the reason for rehashing all this now ?

Because the Australian public are about to have their own 2016 moment.

The world knows that indigenous peoples have had a rough time at the hands of their European conquerors. The treatment dished out throughout the continent of America over the last 600 years has been appalling.

Australia has a shameful history in this regard. Aboriginals still comprise around 4 % of the population, many living in abject poverty.

The referendum on the table is about giving them a Voice to Parliament, an advisory position in matters that affect them. In terms of redressing the balance of history, it seems like the very least that should be done, but it is at least a start.

So you would think that a chart containing the Sun and Moon in Libra would stand the greatest chance of doing this.

You would, apart from the fact that the referendum falls on the day of a solar eclipse.

Eclipses are notoriously bad for the incumbent party. As predicted by me the solar eclipse of December 2020 saw off Donald Trump

The last election in Australia was held in the week of a lunar eclipse in May 2022 which ( again predicted by me ) got rid of Scott Morrison.

That election was won by Labor under Anthony Albanese, who naturally assumed that his victory marked a tsunami of wokeness down under rather than simply getting rid of a religious nutcase who wasn’t paying attention to God’s actual plan.

On assuming office, Albo ( my time in Australia has led me to understand the importance of shortening everyone’s name and adding an o on the end ) announced that there would be a referendum on the Voice.

Which probably would have been fine if he’d got round to doing it straight away.

We don’t have a birthtime for Albo but its almost certain that his Moon will fall in the first decanate of Gemini.

My feeling is that the noon chart works pretty well giving him a T square Sun / Pluto opposition with apex Moon.

It also means that 2023 and the early part of 24 was always going to bring serious problems because the very Saturn that despatched Scummo by terrorising his T square was now doing the same for Albo.

Fortunately for Albanese there was no need for a general election until 2025, but Saturn has its own way of forcing people to create an opportunity for it to give them a kicking.

We might blame the world out there but we don’t realise that we carry along with us all our potential setbacks and lessons. We need them to happen at a particular time so we unconsciously create the circumstances which inevitably bring them about.

Albanese is not a typical politico. He wasn’t pushing this referendum in order to gain electoral advantage or to subdue a faction in his own party in his own party like Cameron with Brexit.

His advocacy of The Voice simply comes from a Piscean compassion for downtrodden people who don’t have one.

He was actually using his good fortune accumulated while Jupiter was in that sign to help others less well off.

It has backfired on him and given his chief opponent a means of clawing back some kind of support in the country after the annihilation of May 2022.

And unlike Albo, that opponent is not a Piscean.

Coalition leader Peter Dutton has the Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Cancer.

These are also Water signs so there is an understanding of how people feel about things, but whereas in Pisces this understanding tends to produce empathy and compassion, Cancer and Scorpio are far better at manipulating these feelings for their own benefit.

With the Sun conjunct Jupiter, opposite Saturn and trine the Moon, Dutton is quite capable of stirring up the lowest and most unconscious responses of the general public and using them for his own advancement.

In this respect he is very similar to Boris Johnson, who has the Moon in Scorpio as part of a Grand Trine with his Sun and Saturn.

While Anthony Albanese naively assumed that there would be broad cross party agreement for the Voice, Peter Dutton spotted a way back with the referendum and has campaigned strongly for a No vote.

He has skilfully used the ignorance of many of the voters by claiming that the Yes campaign have not properly explained what real impact the Voice To Parliament will have.

This has played to fears that it might mean that by giving the Voice to Indigenous people, it will be taking away that of everyone else.

His slogan ” If you Don’t Know, Vote No ” was a masterstroke, the Aussie equivalent of ” Make America Great Again “.

Equally ” Say Not To The Voice Of Division ” which basically claims that being a racist isn’t divisive, but forcing a racist to out themselves by voting against rights for native people is divisive in the extreme.

On the back of this campaign, Dutton is is trying to haul himself and his party back to a position of political respectability and electoral advantage.

In an astute essay in the Guardian, Catherine Murphy makes the following points.

” Railing against the horrors of division was always quite the flex from one of the most divisive political figures of his generation. But Dutton has landed it. Both prophet and protagonist, Dutton has made his division manifest.

Having pitched the voice as thermonuclear division, and having achieved his objective of voters repeating his allegation back to pollsters as fact, Dutton has been pivoting for the past few weeks to a no vote being a proxy for prime ministerial incompetence.

Why? Dutton is already looking beyond 14 October – to the open country between the referendum and the next federal election.

Any failure of the voice can’t be Dutton’s fault for choosing not to lend bipartisanship to the proposal; it has to be That Other Guy. Hubris? Gormless? You decide, dear voter; it’s a nimble bit of gaslighting – how dare the prime minister visit this gut-wrenching failure of reconciliation on an unsuspecting nation.

The Liberal leader limbered up for his competence pivot in the last week of the last parliamentary sitting, with a sequence of questions alleging the imminent failure of the referendum was confirmation of Albanese’s limitations.

Musing on his theme more recently, Dutton noted: “I think the prime minister finds himself in a position now where he’s turned 60% support for the voice into 40% support for the voice.” Dutton felt this was “of his own making”. “

Most of us attach ourselves to the fortunes of political figures. There are few people on Earth who are neither for nor against Donald Trump.

My own loathing of Peter Dutton is on a par with my feelings about Trump but as those haven’t stopped  me predicting the orange wave of 2016 and anticipating another in 2024, neither will I allow my political favouritism to sway my judgement of the astrology of the current situation in Australia. 

For as long as astrology has been studied, the movements of Jupiter and Saturn have been monitored to observe the rise and fall of political leaders.

Just as Jupiter in Pisces conjunct Anthony Albanese’s Sun in the run up to the 2022 federal election put him in a winning position, Saturn’s arrival at the same degree next year will put a serious dent in his reputation.

Saturn in Aquarius in 2022 square to Peter Dutton’s Sun not only dumped his party out of office but almost lost him his parliamentary seat. 

It’s only his natal Sun / Jupiter conjunction that allowed him to scrape through and take over a severely damaged coalition from Scott Morrison who was having similar Saturn transits. 

Next April Jupiter will be opposite Dutton’s Sun and sextile his Moon so his fortune and reputation will be resuscitated. This will be a political Scorpio that has really plunged deep into the fire of Australia’s unconscious racism and emerged phoenix like from the ashes. 

Will this scummy triumph over the Voice be enough to put Dutton onto the path of becoming Australia’s next Prime Minister ? 

That’s unlikely because Albanese’s Saturn transit passes and Jupiter will be conjunct his Moon and square to his Sun in June / July 2024. 

So all that Dutton’s political manipulation will accomplish is the exposure of Australia’s dark side and one more beating for their indigenous population together with an extension of the politics of division and extremism.

But that is straight out of the right wing playbook anyway and a racist Trump card that has been heavily played ( despite the obvious irony ) by people like Suella Braverman and Priti Patel in the UK. 

Divide and conquer has been the method of choice of the ruling classes ever since they were invented.

“ Astrological marxists “ like me would say that it’s the only way the can by dint of the fact that they would be so seriously outnumbered as to have no hope of maintaining control otherwise. 

The Voice is not just of a small number of indigenous Australians, it is for all the population.

But when this eclipse comes round, the only people who will really be having a say are the Rupert Murdoch and Clive Palmer.

Just like with Brexit, a few millionaires become billionaires and the rest of the people suffer.

The song goes “ You’re the Voice, Try and Understand It “

But most people might think they are voting from the perspective of their true self in their Sun but are in fact operating from the unconscious prejudice of their Moon.

And we all know what happens on a solar eclipse. 

Posted on 4th October 2023