The Point Of Destiny – How Progressions Put You On The Leaden Throne

It wasn’t intended, but it seemed entirely appropriate that I spent the period leading up to King Sally’s coronation watching reruns of Game Of Thrones.

Most of the characters spend the whole time whining on about their birthright to rule the Seven Kingdoms while cutting each other’s throats.

These days all the actual slashing is done by the massed ranks of the royal media but the result is much the same.

But since we have astrology on our side we can see the real story and don’t have to buy all the confected PR bullshit.

Daenerys Targaryen, played by Amelia Clarke has the Sun in Libra and spends the whole time telling every one she wants the Iron Throne in order just to be nice to everyone and free all her subjects.

But of course that Sun is in the last few minutes of Libra and applying to a conjunction with Pluto in Scorpio square to Mars, so she actually spends the whole time incinerating them first.

Her Moon is in Cancer exactly opposite Neptune so she’s inherited a delusional make up from her Dad, the Mad King. For more on all this see Game Of Thrones – Mars Conjunct Jupiter In Aries In The 5th House

Queen Danny never got to sit on the Iron Throne but that’s probably because she didn’t have a T square.

I feel I have written so much about Charles’ chart but perhaps not fully described his sense of continually thwarted entitlement.

His 4th house stellium shows his sense of birthright.

The Sun in the 4th ( unless afflicted ) will always show someone whose family and traditions are supportive. Many benefits are received, even if they aren’t acknowledged by the native.

A dignified Venus in Libra there would reinforce this and the conjunction with Neptune would bring some kind of spiritual endorsement, as if he felt his his place in the scheme of things was gifted by God.

Lucky sperm indeed.

Charles’ 10th house Moon also shows an acute need to rule, someone who will only feel secure by telling everyone else what to do.

The Moon is part of a T Square opposing his Mercury in Scorpio in the 4th house which focuses onto an apex Ascendant in Leo.

The T square is such an interesting pattern.

The apex planet or placement is always an extremely powerful theme in the native’s life even if it seemingly contradicts the Sun’s position.

An apex Leo Ascendant would mean Charles would be strongly driven to project the image of royalty even if his 5th house Scorpio Sun would suggest someone who would rather be left alone to dream of being reincarnated as a tampon.

One important thing to know about a T square – the Progressed Sun will only go through it once in a lifetime.

So if your destiny does include being King of England, that will happen then.

Unfortunately for Charles, with his Sun a mere 16 degrees ahead of the T square, that would not happen until his 70s.

So Charles’ only chance at the big time would come between 2015 when his progressed Sun reached a square to his Moon and 2023 when it left the square to Mercury and the opposition to the Ascendant.

As it happened he was crowned at the end of this period when the progressed Moon joined in being square to his natal Moon in May 2023.

There was another reason for this delay, the fact that Saturn was already sat on the throne.

Elizabeth 11 was not born with the same sense of entitlement and destiny as her son.

She was the daughter of George V’s second son, the equivalent of Beatrice or Eugenie.

Even when Edward V111 abdicated and Elizabeth became next in line, there was the expectation that her father, George V1 would rule for a long time.

As it turned out George’s death at the age of 57, put her on the throne in her mid 20s and she reigned for 70 years.

All of these themes together with the stoic, emotionally cold, aloof, enduring, never complain, never explain approach to monarchy are perfectly covered by Saturn at the Midheaven.

The fact that it’s the apex of a T Square meant that the Saturnian virtues of duty, responsibility and longevity have become synonymous with her memory.

Her Saturn totally dominates Charles’ chart and thwarts his own ambitions as it is conjunct his Sun.

Her Saturn is also in the same degree of Scorpio as George V1’s Moon, showing that her accession to the throne would be accompanied by a deep sense of loss of her own father.

When would this occur ?

Charles’ Sun was placed 20 odd degrees after his T Square meaning that he would have to wait until his 70s to be crowned.

Elizabeth’s Sun is placed 20 odd degrees in front of it.

Her progressed Sun first reached her T square forming a square to her Mars and her 7th house Neptune in 1947 when she married Phillip.

Charles was born as it squared Neptune and Jupiter.

Her father died and she acceded to the throne as her progressed Sun opposed Saturn and her MC.

Even though she lived to the age of 96, she would not have another major progressed Sun aspect to her T square.

Although there is some doubt about her husband’s chart this is my favourite one.

The biggest progression in Philip’s own life would be the Sun coming to conjunct his Mercury / Descendant and oppose his Ascendant.

This happened in 1947 when he married Elizabeth.

The 7th house link with Elizabeth’s chart is extraordinary.

His Neptune at 11.37 Leo is within half a degree of her Moon.

His Moon is at 22.15 Leo is within a quarter of a degree of her Neptune.

My experience of planets right on the Descendant is that they are very much dominated by the themes of their partner.

As a Gemini Sun and Mars you would imagine that Philip had to a lot to say about everything but with Mercury there he had to keep his mouth firmly shut because of who he was married to.

And Capricorn rising with an exact Sun / Saturn square aspect puts him right in there with her on the Leaden Throne.

Their synastry is comparable with that of Daenerys and Jon Snow.

Danny’s Sun is conjunct Jonny’s Moon and her Moon is opposite his Sun.

Which all goes to prove if you don’t use progressions to understand your soul’s path through this life – ” you know nothing “

Posted on 11th May 2023