David Koresh – Supreme Leader Of A Waco Cu11t

Astrology is really very simple.

If you focus properly on the angular relationships between the 10 planets and transits to them, while using the signs and house to add the how’s and where’s you have a structure to describe and understand the whole of human life.

However it’s very important in our quest for simplicity not to be reductive.

Every one of those potential combinations has a range of symbolic possibilities, we can’t just label them good or bad.

Yet this is exactly what some traditional astrologers do.

Take for instance the range of space that runs from the eastern horizon to a point one third of the way across the sky.

This encompasses both the 11th and the 12th houses. They are referred to as the places of the Good and Bad Daemons.

This type of thing evokes images of devils and angels battling each other for your very soul by forcing you to be born between 6.00 and 8.00 am or 8.00 and 10.00 respectively.

With this kind of binary, old time religious view of the world there’s bound to be a few mistakes made, where some characters just seem to slip through by mistake.

David Koresh was the leader of an offshoot of the Seventh Day Adventists called the Branch Davidians.

He ” taught a highly apocalyptic Christianity and identified himself with the Lamb of Revelation 5, which is traditionally associated with Christ. Allegations of child abuse and the launching of a retail gun business attracted the attention of the authorities, which led to a long standoff with the FBI and a tragic fire that killed Koresh and some 80 members of the group. “

Ultimately the 11th sign and house are placed of ideology.

They can encompass the highest of humanitarian values but also a powerful insistence on the idea that things must be done in this way, particularly if other Fixed signs are involved. 

David Koresh has both 11th sign and house strongly tenanted.

A Leo grouping in the 11th including Mercury opposed to an Aquarius Moon is an extremely opinionated combination

I would imagine that anyone with an 11th house conjunction of the Sun and Uranus in Leo would believe they should be the natural leaders of some kind of apocalyptic cult but few would actually start one . 

But Koresh’ Sun is conjunct both Uranus and Pluto and his Moon is in Aquarius opposing Mercury so he would be uniquely determined to act this fantasy out in real life. 

This is the thing with people with charts like Koresh. Even if they are surrounded by the police and dismissed as lunatics by the whole world, they will continue to believe in their own righteousness even to the point where they will set themselves on fire, because their ideals are more important than life itself.

There is a horary concept called besiegement. This is where someone’s significator has two nasty planets on either side of it. 

Basically this means that the person or enterprise referred to is surrounded on all sides by hostile forces and is doomed.

Granted in the golden days of horary besiegement was more difficult to achieve because there were only two malefic planets, Mars and Saturn but with the discoveries of Uranus and Pluto we have many more options. 

Mind you horary was including other aspects besides the conjunction but the real power of the symbolism of the siege is very much to the fore in this chart with David Koresh’s Sun being surrounded by Uranus and Pluto. 

Meanwhile in the house of the Bad Daemon, David Koresh has a Mars / Venus conjunction in Virgo in the 12th house.

As we often see with astrological placements, they can easily describe to different themes in the person’s life but there is usually some overlap there. 

So it was with Koresh as he required his followers to live a celibate life in the community. At the same time he was allowed and even encouraged to have sex with as many women in his care as possible, some as young as 11 or 12. 

” Koresh was alleged to have been involved in multiple incidents of physical and sexual abuse of children. His doctrine of the House of David did lead to “marriages” with both married and single women in the Branch Davidians. This doctrine was based on a purported revelation that involved the production of twenty-four children by chosen women in the community. These twenty-four children were to serve as the twenty four ruling elders over the millennium after the return of Christ. These women purportedly chosen through this doctrine included at least one underaged girl. “

For any readers who are possibly in doubt that a Venus / Mars conjunction in a gentle sign like Virgo in the 12th house could produce such a character, I would point out that Jeffrey Epstein had the conjunction in Pisces.

Obviously this state of affairs could not be allowed to continue and on February 28, 1993, the ATF raided the Mount Carmel Center in Waco. The ensuing gun battle resulted in the deaths of four ATF agents and six Branch Davidians.

Thus began the Waco siege and a 51 day standoff.

It ended when FBI officials proceeded ” with a final advance in which the Branch Davidians would be removed from the Mount Carmel Center by force. In an attempt to flush Koresh out of the stronghold, the FBI resorted to pumping CS gas into the compound. In the course of the advance, the Mount Carmel Center caught fire under circumstances that remain disputed. Barricaded inside the building, 79 Branch Davidians perished in the ensuing blaze; 21 of these victims were children under the age of 16. “

David Koresh had died a few hours earlier, most people presumed by suicide.

What would the astrology of this moment reveal ?

When the Sun in a chart is aspected to Uranus or Pluto, this will describe a major theme in that person’s life but it will also point to a time when the slow mover makes another solar connection by transit and those patterns will be engaged very suddenly with great power and drama.

This website contains hundreds of examples of exactly that happening.

If we had to wait until both Uranus and Pluto made a simultaneous major aspect to David Koresh’s Sun he would be nearly 500 years old.

Fortunately an even more appropriate one occurred a long time before that.

We are fast approaching the 30th anniversary of the Waco siege.

It occurred with Pluto square to David Koresh’s Sun and Saturn opposite it.

When it began these two were joined by the Moon creating a T Square focusing on an apex Saturn.

Where was that Saturn ?

Yes, you guessed it, Saturn was in the 11th sign and the 11th house.

The Good Daemon was certainly having a bad day. Anyone might think 11 wasn’t such a lucky number after all.

Most right minded people would be appalled at the tragic outcome but would probably suggest that Koresh was principally to blame for the fate of his followers.

The man himself would no doubt feel it was the will of God, an idea that would surely be reinforced by his being 33 years old when he met his end at Waco, the same age as Jesus at Calvary.

From an astrological perspective both views would be true.

If people insist on playing out their nativities in such caricature fashion, the Universe has to have a resource to get rid of them and their followers would sadly be seen as collateral damage.

No doubt if we had access to all their charts as well we could probably see why their naivety and fate would rebound so harshly on them.

They couldn’t all have been Aquarius or Leo, that would be a case of too many chiefs and not enough indians.

They were probably all 12th housers who were led by their Bad Daemons to their slaughter by a Good One.

With all this in mind maybe we have to be more than a tad concerned about Pluto’s passage into Aquarius. 

Perhaps it’s not heralding a New Age where hugging trees becomes the new cryptocurrency.

Maybe it will be littered with Waco standoffs by people who are seeking the rapture.

This is the problem with religious nut jobs. They’re all convinced that it’s one big fight between good and evil. In fact both of those Daemons are their own.

Posted on February 19th 2023